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Netta's assistants try to stop her eating the other contestants.
The latest edition of the Eurovision Song Contest -- the 63rd FFS!!! -- was undoubtedly the most political ever, with many acts counting on success by having strong political messages in their garbage pop songs. 

This was despite the fact that the Eurovision’s rules actually prohibit overt political statements: 
"No lyrics, speeches, gestures of a political or similar nature shall be permitted during the Eurovision Song Contest."
For example Italy’s entrant “Non Mi Avete Fatto Niente” (“You’ve Done Nothing to Me”) by Ermal Meta and Fabrizio Moro, was a call for resilience in the face of Muslim terrorist attacks. The song even listed  the locations of terrorist attacks (Barcelona, London, and Nice) in a clear attempt to sway the voting. 

France's husband-and-wife duo, Madame Monsieur, sang "Mercy," a simpering song that tried to drum up support for illegal migrants crossing the sea to invade Europe. The song was named after a baby born upon a rescue boat ferrying African refugees to Europe, where they will replace  childless couples like the childless couple who sang the song. 

Madame Monsieur cucking for the migrants in pop beats.
While some entries were overtly political in the lyrics of the songs, some also tried to be political in their choice of singers. It was notable that "transgender types" predominated -- essentially masculine women and feminine men. 

The UK's entry SuRie was a "two-for," i.e. someone who ticked two boxes in the progressive stack, by being both a masculine-looking woman, with Annie Lennox hair, and someone whose grandparents were reportedly killed in the Holocaust by Nazis. 

Her performance was even graced by a politicised stage invasion, when a man wearing a rucksack ran onto the stage, grabbed her microphone, and said:
"Nazis of the UK media, we demand freedom." 
This was "Dr A.C. activism," the stage name of a wannbe rapper and author, who was attempting to promote his self-published Amazon book "The Workings of The U.K State Mafia."

As this heroic individual was dragged off stage, SuRie continued performing her song, which finished third from bottom, due to strong anti-British feeling among the Eurovision judges caused by Brexit and the five-decades-long superiority of British pop music. 

SuRie fails to use her massive shoulders to fend off stage invader.
Over the years Eurovision has become increasingly politicised, and is used by various nations as a medium to express political beefs with each other. 

But the voting, which is organised on a national basis with each nation voting for the songs of other nations, is also used as a means of "signalling" how politically correct each voting nation is. This is the reason transgender, bearded-lady-boy "freak" Conchita Wurst won in 2014, when the big push for "gay marriage" was underway across the West.

But surprisingly last night's big winner was the state of Israel, whose entry "Toy" by Netta won top points. 

Harvey Weinstein in a dress?
This was supposedly a song about the "#MeToo" sexual harassment scandal in Hollywood. But, ironically, the song was sung by a big, fat, ugly girl who would have little danger of being a victim. In fact, she even bore an unnerving resemblance to the man at the centre of the scandal -- disgraced Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein!!!

The Eurovision contest is, as the name suggests, only for European countries, and Israel, of course, is in Asia. In fact the only way that it can be seen as "European" is by viewing it as a "European colony" in the Middle East, as most of its inhabitants originate from post-WWII Europe. This is also how many Palestinians see it.

Given the deeply politicised nature of the Eurovision song contest, the fact that an artist from such a country was allowed not only to compete but to win at a time when its security forces are engaged in actively shooting demonstrators on its borders, can be seen as nothing less than a ringing endorsement of this policy by Europe. 

Maybe this is how they deal with their own fear and loathing of the Muslim migrants who are replacing them.

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