Wednesday 11 May 2022


You'll have heard about "2000 Mules," a film by Dinesh D'Souza that "busts open" all the voter fraud that happened in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election. I haven't seen it but I've heard it's good.

This is the kind of documentary that the Right wing should be jumping all over. Yet, strangely, nobody seems even slightly interested in it. Tucker Carlson hasn't mentioned it, and even NewsMax hasn't touched it with a bargepole. 

Politicians that you'd think would be up in arms about rampant voter fraud, like Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and Ron DeSantis, have been oddly silent. I mean these guys go round like they actually want to beat the Dems, don't they?

Dinesh is pissed, but also kind of not that pissed.

So, what is really going on here? Why are no big media outlets and politicians picking up on "2000 Mules"?

Really there are only two possibilities. Either:

(1) all politicians and the entire media are all in on the conspiracy to steal the election, or

(2) D'Souza's documentary is just a crock of shite that proves nothing important

Really, it's got to be one of these two, or D'Souza's documentary would be picking up more interest than just the usual losers and freaks on the internet. Even Ben Shapiro seems ambivalent:

1 comment:

  1. i will never tire of the circus americans make about the popular vote, something that has no legal weight behind it, is pure symbolic, and influences nothing at all.


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