Sunday 20 February 2022


Used holy scripture to polish his brown hole

Justin Trudeau, the World's most evil and sadistic man, has reportedly built a pyramid of human skulls stretching many hundreds of meters high into the sky, according to reports on social media.

The reports, mainly from people in the Dissident Right and the anti-vax movement, claim that Trudeau ordered his ruthless thugs, vicious goons, and "nasty horses with big hooves" to massacre thousands of innocent truckers, who had merely gathered in the capital city for several weeks, blocking a few unimportant roads and trivial bridges while making an occasional cheerful noise with their truck horns.

The tyrant is then reported to have mocked the steaming carcasses of his hapless victims by denouncing them as "Nazis" and "racists," even though he was clearly the real racist by having shoe polish all over his face and a towel around his head. 

Next the sick despot ate a live baby dipped in maple syrup and threw its remains to a ravenous pack of Canadian squirrels starved for several weeks to make them fiercer. He then picked up a machine gun and mowed down a row of nuns, specially bussed in for the occasion from the French bit of Canada, all the time laughing like a maniac. Finally, looking like a giant human spider, he clambered to the top of the skull pyramid, took a massive dump on all the skulls, many of them still wearing trucker caps, and wiped his arse with pages torn from the Holy Scriptures of several important world religions.

Later NASA reported that the mad dictator's skull pyramid had risen so high that it now presented a threat to low-flying space satellites.

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