Thursday 24 February 2022



Victim of medical malpractice

Trad News
can exclusively reveal that Russian President, Vladimir Putin decided to go to war with everybody after a medical procedure went horribly wrong. 

The operation, which our sources inform us was a routine gender reassignment procedure, went horribly wrong when Putin was wheeled into the operating theatre the wrong way round, resulting in the specially prepared vagina, made from a dead pigs bladder, being inserted deep into his brain area rather than his fanny area.

Medical experts say this was an easy mistake to happen because, like Hitler, Putin has only one tiny testicle, which bears an eerie resemblance to his small puffy head. 

After waking up with a pig's piss-bag lady-hole inserted deep inside his brain, the Russian President started behaving erratically and having hot flushes. Geopolitical strategists believe that this is the real reason for Putin's clearly insane decision to declare war on all mankind.

For some time, as reported here on Trad News, Putin has slowly been transitioning into a ladyboy due to an over reliance on steroid injections and a general lack of exercise. In recent weeks this has caused his "man boobs" or "moobs" to swell to a disgusting size.

Vladyboy Vladimir Putin

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