Saturday 4 December 2021


Elon Musk, the World's richest man, who could probably afford to get a decent haircut -- or just not bother having a haircut at all because he's a billionaire -- has actually paid someone to give him a really bad haircut. 

In fact, it's not just bad, it's so crappy that it makes his head look like some sort of weird, gay vegetable.

A bit like this guy here:

Yes, that's right -- Richard Spencer, the former leader of the Alt-Right, who invented the haircut sometime in 2016.

According to sources close to the Alt-Right, Spencer based the haircut on pictures he saw in his collection of old Hitler Youth magazines stashed under his bed in Whitefish Montana. 

It is not yet known why Musk allowed his head to be disfigured in this disgusting way. One theory is that it will make it easier for him to stick his head up his arse when his Tesla Empire comes crashing down.

1 comment:

  1. That haircut is really dumb and probably gay.


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