Monday 22 November 2021


We are now in the awkward pause between the basic facts of the "Xmas Parade Incident" being reported and the "narrative" of "what really happened" being reported. 

What the mainstream media is happy for us to know is this: 

At least five people have been killed and more than 40 injured after a car ploughed into a parade in the US state of Wisconsin, police say. Footage shows a red SUV driving through a Christmas parade in the city of Waukesha, west of Milwaukee, at around 16:40 local time (22:40 GMT). Police chief Dan Thompson said it hit dozens of people, including children. [...] One witness told Milwaukee's Fox6 TV station that there was silence, followed by screaming, running and checking on those injured after the vehicle hit a dance team of girls aged between about nine and 15. Another witness said the driver also hit a group of "Dancing Grannies" and at least one person flipped over the front of the car.

Dancing Grannies? Man, that sucks!

We have also had the assuring noise made:
One person is in custody. The incident does not appear "at this time" to be an act of terrorism, one official said.

I don't know about you, but when I hear that I almost automatically assume it is an act of terrorism. But time will tell.

However, it seems that certain key information has already leaked through the mainstream media filter: 

Yes, a Black guy actually said it was a Black guy with dreadlocks, so the incident is not yet Islam-related but almost certainly dreadlock and malanin related. It is very important to get this information out early to fight against any Islamophobia that might be generated by unfunded rumours on the internet.

The character of the attack, which may just have been an unfortunate accident, also ties in with the other "minor detail" that the driver was escaping from another crime:
The suspect appeared to have been fleeing another scene when he ran into people at the parade, the law enforcement official - who is familiar with the early findings of the investigation - told the BBC's US partner CBS News.

Maybe that will be some consolation to people like Corey Montiho who said his daughter's dance team was hit by the SUV.

"There were pom-poms and shoes and spilled hot chocolate everywhere. I had to go from one crumpled body to the other to find my daughter."


Delighted that the driver of the vehicle is NOT a Muslim terrorist, mainstream news sites, like Britain's LBC, are now starting to report that he is a Soundcloud rapper and former petty criminal by the name of Darrel Edward Brooks Jr, aged 39, who "performed" under the stage name MathBoi Fly.

Of course now he is no longer a petty criminal having killed at least 5 innocent people and ruined Xmas. 

Now the main question is whether this was just a stupid accident caused by his dysfunctional criminal lifestyle and shitty rapper attitude or a conscious, BLM-inspired, "Kill Whitey" act of racist terrorism. 

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