Saturday 20 November 2021


People seem to be getting a sick of the endless and heavy-handed Covid lock downs that never seem to fix the problem. 

In the latest case, the Dutch government's decision to reimpose lock down restrictions, including a curfew, has sparked a backlash.

As reported by the BBC:

Dutch police have shot and wounded at least two people after rioting erupted in Rotterdam over new Covid-19 measures. Protesters threw rocks and fireworks at them and set police cars ablaze. Hundreds of protesters had gathered to show their anger at government plans for a Covid vaccine pass, and a ban on fireworks on New Year's Eve.

The Netherlands imposed a three-week partial Covid lockdown last week as cases surged.

Seven people were injured in total and at least 20 arrested in a night condemned by Rotterdam's mayor as "an orgy of violence".

It's not yet clear who is doing the rioting, although pictures suggest that it is normal citizens rather than just alienated migrants. Rotterdam, however, has a large migrant population and a Muslim mayor (with a Moroccan passport) so this might also be a factor

There have been reports in local media saying that groups of football fans were behind much of the rioting. This makes sense as the lock downs particularly disrupt sporting events. 

Also, the number of people rioting is unclear. Mainstream news outlets like the BBC are keen to downplay the extent of the riots. The fact is, however, that many other towns across the Netherlands have seen riots.

Disturbances have been reported in Rotterdam, Amsterdam, The Hague, Eindhoven, and Limburg, among others. Hundreds have been arrested, which means thousands or tens or thousands are involved. 

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