Tuesday 30 November 2021


Here comes the Judge

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exists merely as a humble news service to the facts (with an occasional sideline in satire), so it is not up to us to say what is going on with the ongoing Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell case. Although the most reasonable explanation for all the odd evidence that has already been produced is that Epstein and Maxwell were running some sort of Mossad blackmail operation. 

Also, we all know that the most reasonable explanation for Epstein's sudden death while in custody was that he was either assassinated or else spirited away and replaced with someone else already dead or who was killed in his place. 

But what about Epstein's number two Ghislaine Maxwell? If Epstein was running a Mossad operation and was either killed or spirited away, then it is hardly likely that the trial of Ghislaine Maxwell would be in any way normal.

But suddenly revealing that she has also "died of suicide" is not really a good option. Almost nobody believes that Epstein killed himself, so taking care of Ghislaine the same way would just crystalize that scepticism. 

Epstein and Maxwell

So, what is the plan? We can't say that here, but it is certainly interesting that a trial involving two Jews (Epstein and Maxwell) and which probably touches on the Israeli Deep State using sexual blackmail has been handed over to a Jewish lesbian judge and a prosecutor who just happens to be (a) married to a Jewish lawyer and (b) is the daughter of FBI swamp creature James Comey. 

Judge Alison Nathan is a 49 year-old lesbian of Jewish background, who is married to another woman and has "twin sons" (I have no idea if they are adopted or which mother they came out of, or whether one twin was put in one mother and the other twin in the other mother, etc. Sorry, this all getting a little too technical for me...). Anyway, she was appointed Federal judge by President Obama.

Ghislaine Maxwell with her father Robert who 
worked for Mossad and was also "suicided."

As for the prosecutor, she is Maurene Comey is the 32-year old daughter and youngest of six children of former FBI director and Trump hater James Comey and his wife Patrice Failor.

Maurene is married to Lucas Issacharoff, a Harvard Law School alumnus and U.S. Assistant Attorney for the Civil Division of the Southern District of New York. Even better Lucas just happens to be the son of a Jewish Trotskyist professor Samuel Issacharoff.

Maurene Comey and husband Lucas

None of this biographical stuff may be important, but it's certainly noteworthy that a Jewish lesbian and the daughter of an FBI swamp creature who has married into a Jewish law family are running a trial that involves two Jews and which probably touches on the Israeli Deep State using sexual blackmail. 

If I were Epstein's friend Prince Andrew, I would certainly be breathing a sigh of relief right now. 


  1. Maxwell isn't Jewish. Her mother is a French Catholic. Just saying.

  2. David, you're half right.


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