Friday 19 November 2021


Austria's ruthless Vaccine Stassi hunting for the unvaxxed.

You may have heard on the news that Austria is imposing a pretty severe Covid lockdown. 

As reported by The Independent:

Austria will go into a full lockdown over Covid from next week, becoming the first country in western Europe to take this measure during the latest wave of the virus. The government also said vaccinations will be compulsory for the whole population from next February. Under the new measures, the whole population will be sent into lockdown for at least 10 days, although this could be extended, the Austrian chancellor Alexander Schallenberg said. It comes days after the country sent around two million unvaccinated people into lockdown, telling them they had to stay at home unless it was for a list of reasons including going shopping or to work.

Even after that there will be a four-week transition period in which a first vaccination plus a PCR test will be required to gain admission to places where the unvaccinated will be banned.

This is starting to generate some interesting memes, like this:

And this:

Well, it is Austria after all.

But what's really going on?

It seems that Covid restrictions have become a substitute for an effective immigration policy, with the new rules and regulations disproportionately impacting Austria's ethnic minorities and immigrant population.

Last year Austria's then chancellor Sebastian Kurz blamed migrants for boosting Covid infection rates:

“We had very low infection rates in the summer after the lockdown and then returning travellers, especially those who spent the summer in their countries of origin, have brought infection back into the country.”

More recently an Austrian brothel offering free sex if customers got vaxxed, highlighted the link between low vax rates and migrants.

As reported by the Sky News:

A brothel in Vienna is providing COVID-19 vaccinations and giving those who take up the offer vouchers for a free visit. Fun Palast is hoping to increase vaccination rates... In exchange for a jab, visitors get a free 30-minute session in a "sauna club" with the "lady of their choice". [...] Peter Laskaris, manager of Fun Palast, told Reuters: "Basically, I was looking at the statistics and I read that we need like 70/75% for us to reach herd immunity, but we're currently only at 63%. "And then I noticed in the statistics that very many men, very many men with a migration background, virtually refuse vaccination or don't even know that you can be vaccinated.

Yes, the Austrian government won't admit it, but the Draconian Covid measures are not aimed at native Austrians, most of whom have already got the jab, but instead at those awkward holdouts, Austria's large migrant population, who have eroded it's formerly high-trust society.

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