Sunday 14 November 2021


New levels of degeneracy have been reached in America after vocalist Sophia Urista (lesbian, 36) from the band Brass Against gave one of her pathetic fans a disgusting golden shower live on stage at a major music festival.

Even worse, neither party was wearing a mask at the time.

This may just be a crude publicity stunt, either for the band or the event, which is attempting to relaunch itself after missing a show in 2020 due to the Coof. Normally "Welcome To Rockville" draws around 100,000 rock fans and is held at the Daytona International Speedway in Florida.

The incident occurred during a performance of Rage Against the Machine’s “Wake Up,” with Urista, who is a mixed race lesbian, taking down her jeans, straddling the fan, and then unleashing the putrid waters of her urinary tract all over the fan's fat, stupid face. 

Elsewhere normie media reported the incident as if it were no big deal, with music site Loudwire acting as if it was the most normal thing in the world, instead of sure and certain proof that Western civilisation is totally doomed. 

The dude seemed to enjoy himself though, with the crowd going absolutely nuts as Urista let loose on the guy. The band continued playing throughout the bridge of “Wake Up” like everything was normal, while Urista repeated Zack de la Rocha’s haunting “I think I heard a shot” lyric.

Once the stream ceased, the pee-drinking gentleman celebrated like his first child had just been born. He rattled off some Tiger Woods arm pumps and followed it up by spraying pee from his mouth like Triple H entering the ring at Wrestlemania.

Yes, America, this is totally normal and you are ALL going to the deepest and hottest pits of Hell because you allowed it. 


  1. Trump would have LOVED to have her piss on him.

  2. MoeLarryAndJesus, you do know that the dossier which alleged that was a complete fake, don't you?


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