Tuesday 26 October 2021


In what seems like some weird Vincent Price movie from the 1950s, it has been revealed that Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, the armourer in the Alec Baldwin shooting, has a horrifying tattoo of Edgar Allen Poe, the notorious poet and horror writer.

The Tattoo which shows Poe rising from a graveyard with a giant raven on his head is tattooed all over 
Gutierrez-Reed's right shoulder.  

Although everyone has been blaming Baldwin for the unfortunate shooting incident, in which he inadvertently pumped screaming hot lead into a lady camerawoman on the set of his latest film, the person directly responsible was the massacre was 24-year-old Gutierrez-Reed, as she was in charge of the guns. Now it seems that she may have been a person with an unhealthy interest in death, corpses, ravens, and all the other themes and motifs of Edgar Allen Poe's writing, even going so far as to have an enormous unsightly tattoo of the "Master of Horror" emblazoned all over her body. 

This basically marks her out as a "goth," belonging to the death-obsessed cult of people who listen to morose music, sleep upside down, and watch "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." They also frequently fantasise about dying, killing each other, and drinking human blood.

Typical Goth schtick. Notice the unhealthy 
obsession with skulls and rotting human flesh
Meanwhile most of the naive mainstream media continues to interpret her behaviour as good-natured carelessness. For example the Daily Beast reported:

There were previous concerns raised about the 24-year-old armorer who was hired on Alec Baldwin’s film Rust, with two production sources telling The Daily Beast that filming on the set of her last movie was briefly stopped after she allegedly gave a gun to an 11-year-old actress without checking it properly.

“She was a bit careless with the guns, waving it around every now and again,” said a source, who worked alongside armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed on the upcoming Nicolas Cage film, The Old Way. “There were a couple times she was loading the blanks and doing it in a fashion that we thought was unsafe.”

Instead of mere carelessness, darker forces may be at work here, like soul-grinding nihilism and a willing embrace of the eternal blackness of death. 

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