Friday 29 October 2021


Is Richard Spencer about to shell out?

Richard Spencer, the leader of the small damp, sticky patch where the Alt-Right once stood, has given his opening statement at the Charlottesville 'Unite The Right' trial. 

Spencer, along with 25 other defendants, is being sued railroaded for millions of dollars by a group of nine Charlottesville residents and counter-protestors who were injured at the event, in what is being seen in some quarters as a politically motivated lawfare trial.

Spencer's first line of defence has been to go full "Stockholm Syndrome" in recent months, claiming to be an admirer of the very people who are trying to crush him, namely the Democrat establishment and their various organs. 

This clearly has not worked to Spencer's benefit as he is now in court.

His next line of defence has been to claim that the "Unite The Right" rally falls under the same umbrella of free speech as the "Black Lives Matter" protests, which resulted in hundreds and possibly thousands of extra people dying, most of them Black.

However, when Spencer tried to make this point, the judge in the case Norman K. Moon cut him off and told him to "stick to the facts."

Spencer was cut off again when he fell back on his third, rather flimsy line of defence, pointing to the 'legal ramifications' that the case could have on the concept of "justice."

Judge Moon quickly interrupted, saying:

"We're not sending a message here. The question is, do the claimants prove what they must prove to hold the defendants liable?"

In fact the truth of the matter is that the claimants are shooting at an open goal here, as all they have to prove is that (a) the Unite the Right organisers -- Spencer and Co. -- expected violence, which they clearly did from Leftists triggered by the event and Trump's election the previous year, and (b) that they made some provision to deal with the violence. Social media messages exchanged between the various defendants have been obtained, so this is looking pretty certain.

As reported by the Intercept:

Karen Dunn, an attorney for the plaintiffs, pointed to text and Discord messages between the defendants that said they were "forming an army" and "ready to crack skulls" as evidence that they organized the rally with the goal of inciting violence in Charlottesville.

Dunn noted a particular text message exchange between Spencer and Cristopher Cantwell, a white nationalist who was convicted on assault charges related to the rally. In the exchange, Cantwell said he was "willing to risk a lot for our cause" including "violence and incarceration," but said he wanted to check with Spencer to see if it was "worth it."

Spencer responded, "It is, at least for me," Dunn told the jury.

The prosecution's strategy is obvious. It is to downplay, as much as possible, the element of self defence that motivated some of the Unite the Right organisers to discuss violence in this rather milquetoast way.

Connecting Spencer to Cantwell is a clever, if underhanded, move by the prosecution, as Cantwell has already done time for a variety of moronic offences involving firearms and threats. 

Really, the only chance for Spencer now is to go "full Apollonian" and tell them about his new effete, sub-masculine pseudo-religion. Only then will the jurors realise that this was a person incapable of committing anything as manly and virile as violence or even inspiring it.

1 comment:

  1. The guy just pretends to be a father. I heard that during his divorce proceedings he accused Liddell of fathering both 'his' kids.


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