Monday 4 October 2021


Last year the Ellie Williams case was blowing up: on the one side you had people like Tommy Robinson trying to stoke up "righteous anger" over what was claimed to be the grooming, rape, and brutalisation of a "young, innocent English girl" by an "evil Muslim rape gang," while on the other there were allegations that Williams was a "lying THOT." 

Trad News reported on it, keeping an open mind, but tending to side with the apparent victim. Honest, we weren't simping.

As we said at the time:

There is, as yet, no way to confirm Ellie's allegations -- and it's even possible she is some weird, attention-seeking THOT -- but those injuries look genuine enough and are consistent with the kind of abuse suffered by other English girls from Muslim grooming and rape gangs.

Influencing our attitude to the case was the fact that the UK media is extremely reluctant to report on cases like this where you have a supposed White victim and non-White perpetrators.

Tommy Robinson pointing the way to the next grift

Tommy Robinson, however, was 100% certain that every single word Ellie said was "kosher," staging a rowdy demo in Barrow at which he managed to get himself arrested (again). 


Ex-English Defence League leader Tommy Robinson has been arrested on suspicion of assaulting a man he claims spat in his face.

Mr Robinson, 37, was detained at a protest rally at Hollywood Retail Park in Barrow, Cumbria, on Thursday.

Three other men from outside the Barrow area were also arrested on suspicion of a public order offence. All four have been released on bail, police said.

So, was there any truth in Ellie's allegations?

Well, the case is not yet resolved, but it looks like things are not going well for Miss Williams. Instead of corroborating evidence coming out to support her case, it seems the focus is entirely on how much she lied to police.

As reported recently by Barrow's local newspaper The Mail:

A WOMAN facing multiple charges of perverting the course has been charged again after she allegedly 'fabricated evidence' while on remand in prison.

Eleanor Williams is alleged to have committed an act intended to pervert the course of justice while at HMP Styal.

The 20-year-old had been on remand in the Cheshire prison after she was charged with eight counts of perverting the course of justice.

Prosecutors allege she falsified evidence and made false claims to the police of trafficking and sexual assault between October 20 2017 and May 22 2020.

Of course, some will still side with Ellie -- or, in the case of Tommy Robinson, grift off her -- but it's not as if the British police always cover up grooming gang crimes.

Literally hundreds of Muslim men have been jailed in recent years for crimes of the kind that Williams alleges, so it looks like the period of covering up is over. Although it is also clear that the mainstream media is under strict orders to manage these kinds of stories "sensitively."

On balance, and without coming to a final conclusion, it looks like nationalist supporters of Ellie were duped into simping for her.

There is some intriguing legalese in the report:

It is alleged that she did a 'series of acts' to try to 'diminish the strength of the prosecution case' between May 28 and November 23 2020 which had a tendency to pervert the course of public justice.

Possibly this refers to acts of self-harm carried out by Ellie in order to create bruising and other marks to elicit male sympathy.

We will have to wait a few more months to find out, as she is due to face a 10-week trial over the charges in February 2022.

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