Saturday 9 October 2021


Karlin and the object of his Twitter affections

Strange goings-on at top Kremlin shill site Unz Review. One of its top writers, Anatoly Karlin, has suddenly quit!!!

As usual with cases like this we are getting the old bullshit narrative of  "I'm just moving on, creative diffrences, blah blah blah..."  

On a recent podcast with podcasting legend Robert Stark, Karlin gave his "official reasons" for leaving the Unz Review, where he contributed over 1,700 Kremlin-simpy articles in the last 5 years:

"The editorial slant of the Unz Review has evolved in a direction that no longer seems very in accord with what I write about."

Yes, the pesky "slant" has started "evolving" again. That must be it, LOL. Kind of hard to claim as Karlin is still a Kremlin shill and Unz Review is still totally a Kremlin shill site.

Karlin also claimed that there was no bad blood between him and Ron Unz the proprietor and chief editor:

"There are no issues between me and Ron Unz. I respect him and I am grateful that he gave me a platform for 5 years."

Really, this sounds like a complete crock of shit, so let's speculate just a little. 

Of course, Karlin being a shill for Putin is not the problem. Almost everyone at Unz Review is a Putinf8g. So, what else could it be?

Maybe it's the fact that Andrew Anglin is increasingly taking over the entire operation. Here are the latest featured articles. Almost all of them are written by Anglin:

Gee, Uncle Ron really loves that boy. Pretty soon the Unz Review will just mutate into Daily Stormer 2.0. That's probably what Anglin's handlers want. Also Unz's Kremlin bosses. Karlin, by contrast, likes to position himself just slightly off the more hard-core White nationalist stuff, and isn't comfortable with the more blatant anti-Semitism that Anglin and Unz now represent.

There are so many Kremlin shills these days that infighting is a distinct possibility.

What else is there? Maybe the old story about Karlin being a "respecter" of 14-year-old girls came to Uncle Ron's attention and caused crockery and matrushka dolls to be thrown around the office at Unz Towers.

Back in 2014 Karlin made this disgusting tweet, leering over the sexuality of the 14-year-old daughter of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, which the Internet has chosen not to forget:

Which provoked this kind of response:

In today's hysterically censorious world that makes you a fully-paid-up member of the paedo club with knobs on top, so maybe sacking Karlin was the only move left open to Unz.

Is this about protecting the children (or just some weird Kremlin shill infighting)?



  1. Anatoly Karlin is also close friends with an activist for legalising child pornography - Emil Kirkegaard.

  2. Thanks for this article - now referenced here:

    How many times has Karlin changed his political views? He's mentally unstable.


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