Sunday 7 February 2021


Scotland's authoritarian leader Nicola Sturgeon

Since the SNP took over the Scottish government in 2011 they have been working hard to create what amounts to a North Korean-style one-party state. This has been helped by the fact that the Scottish Labour Party and Scottish Conservative Parties are basically zombie parties North of the Border (i.e. parties that will never be strong enough on their own to form a government). 

Part of the SNP's plan to tighten their grip on power is to gain institutional control of public sector bodies like the police, the education system, the health sector, etc. Under Scotland's devolved government system, the ruling party in the Scottish Parliament has administrative authority over these bodies, and the SNP is now using its unbroken run of power to remake these institutions in its own image.

In 2013, for example, they merged all of Scotland 's police forces together into one centralised police force. This is now placed under the control of Humza Yusuf a politician of Pakistani background who is Scotland's so-called "Justice Minister."

Humza, in charge of arresting Scottish people

An example of how the SNP government may be exerting too much control over the police was revealed this week by two murders, one in Kilmarnock, Scotland, and one in London England, where the police have been less subjected to one-party control.

The basic facts are these:

In Kilmarnock on Thursday (4th Feb) a man stabbed his wife and stepdaughter to death in separate incidents and then was himself killed in a high speed car crash. The murder spree started at 7:45 pm and ended at 8:30 pm when the knifeman crashed and died. 

In South London on Friday (5th Feb) one man was murdered and nine others injured in a spate of stabbings at 5 locations, including Croydon, where one man died. The attacks all happened between 6.56 pm and 9.12 pm. The dead man was found dead at the scene of the crime at 8 pm. 

The difference however was in how quickly the Metropolitan Police released information. In London, important information, like the number of victims, was released almost immediately, with a police press release at 11:56 pm. The website MyLondon was able to run a fairly detailed article at just 2 minutes after midnight, while even the Guardian site was carrying similar detailed reports of what had happened at 28 minutes past midnight. 

In Scotland, however, people in the town of Kilmarnock had nothing better to go on than rumor and gossip, with the first clear facts of the case being published at 12:54 the NEXT day!!!

This was when this police statement was made public (it can be dated by viewing the page source). Media stories then followed on from that, with top news sites (Sky, BBC Scotland, The Daily Record) revealing the factual elements of the case (the number of victims and the status of the assailant, etc) in a number of stories that appeared AFTER 5pm!!!  

So, let's do a direct comparison:

End of incident 9:12 pm 
Police press release giving basic information: 11:56pm
Time gap: 2 hours 44 minutes

End of incident 8:30 pm
Police press release giving basic information: 12:54am (the NEXT day!!!)
Time gap: 16 hours 24 minutes

Now the next question that arises is why there is such a massive difference. The most obvious reason is that the Scottish police force, since its creation in 2013 from several smaller, local police forces, has been under unbroken one-party political control. In that time, the SNP's political influence has become increasingly intrusive.  

In the Kilmarnock case, the only logical conclusion is that the police were reluctant to release any details of the case without first checking with their political masters.

Just two hours after the incident, they released a statement saying that the incident "did not appear to be terrorist related," but no other details. This proves that they had all the main facts at their fingertips, but simply refused to release them for another 14 hours!!!
Incident was not "ongoing," it had ended 2 hours previously

We can reasonably infer from this that Police Scotland has 
a "standing order" to suppress all details of serious crimes until their political masters have had a chance to review them, in case there is a need to place some sort of "media spin" on them.

However, due to the time of the incident, Police Scotland were unable to disturb their political masters for orders, so they simply sat on the story until Sturgeon and Humza woke up the next morning to review it. 

This is exactly how policing was done in Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, and other undemocratic societies. 

This time the Scottish Government allowed the information of the murder to come out. But this mechanism of delaying vital information for political review exists for one reason and one reason alone -- namely, to give the Scottish Government the option of twisting, suppressing, or misrepresenting information on crimes that the don't like or which embarrasses them in some way. 

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