Monday 1 February 2021


An ongoing case in Wisconsin is revealing just how unworkable a multiracial society is. Especially with soft-as-shit, liberal people of North European descent at the top of the tree. 

In the case a 36-year-old homeless Hmong woman who had previously killed her own child was apparently chased down, stripped naked, sexually assaulted, and beaten to death in Washington Park, Milwaukee by "youths" from an unspecified racial group.

This means, of course, that they were Black or at the very least non-White. We know this because every time a White is involved in an interracial crime, their race is mentioned. Also, even when they are not White, as in the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman case, the killer is often called "White" just for the heck of it.

As this is just a Black-on-Other interracial crime, it is only picking up local news coverage now, nearly five months after it happened, like this report from Wisconsin Right Now:

Investigators now claim that Lee “was beaten by a group near a tree and then ran towards a pond, where the assault continued.” The television station reported that the search warrant indicates investigators suspect that the group of “young males” may have “attacked and assaulted” Lee near the tree. Although she ran toward a pond to get away from them, she was “dragged and later found beaten, unclothed and unconscious”... There was evidence of sexual assault, and cameras captured 11 people leaving the park after the attack.

Wisconsin Right Now
also reports that there is an apparent cover-up by the local police, which more or less confirms the suspected race of the attackers:

Since Ee Lee’s body was found in a Washington Park lagoon last September, what happened to her has been shrouded in secrecy. We’d heard that Milwaukee Police Department cops who initially responded to the scene were horrified by what they saw. We requested the CADD dispatch log from MPD in September, but months later, the open records request remains pending. We asked the Sheriff’s Department about the details that month too, as they are the investigating agency, but they said only, “The Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Office is currently investigating an incident that occurred at Washington Park. No details of the incident or investigation are being released at this time.”

I wonder why anyone would be interested in covering up the death of homeless Hmong woman. Let's have a look at who's in charge.

First, here's the guy who was Milwaukee acting police chief in September:

And here's the guy who took over from him as acting police chief in December:

WTF's going on with all these "acting police chiefs"?

Then there's the guy who supposedly "runs" the city, Mayor Tom Barrett. He seems to be the kind of dweeby, below-the-radar White liberal that epitomizes weak leadership and the avoidance of difficult decisions:

But back to the dead woman: Lee was a pathetic victim in this case. But 14 years ago she was herself charged with first-degree murder and seems to have escaped a prison term due to pleading insanity:

Lee led a very troubled life. In 2007, she was charged with first-degree intentional homicide, child abuse, and recklessly endangering safety in the death of her 6-week-old daughter. Lee told police “she slammed the baby’s head against a table and stuffed a blanket in her mouth. She also admitted having tortured the infant for weeks, by pinching her, biting her and hitting her with the metal end of a flyswatter,” the story says. A DOB match confirms this is the same Ee Lee who died in Washington Park. A 2010 notation in court records says, “Court finds the def is presently not competent to proceed in this case and she is not likely to become competent within the statutory commitment period. Ct ordered def shall be released from custody; the DA’s office shall inform the court of the def’s legal and mental status every 12 mos.”

The Milwaukee County Medical Examiner’s Office said there was a non-disclosure on the report but confirmed to Wisconsin Right Now that the death was ruled a homicide.

Really, this just sounds like a perfect example of a multicultural mess, in which there is low social trust, rampant mental illness, interracial animosity, nihilistic savagery, and a total abdication of authority by those at the top -- because imposing any sort of order would be regarded as "racist."

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