Wednesday 17 February 2021


Talk radio pioneer and BoomerCon icon Rush Limbaugh has died after a long battle against lung cancer. He was 70 years old. 

For around 30 years, Limbaugh's daily talk shows played a major role in defining Republican and Conservative thought in America, and stopping the GOP from straying too far from its voter base.

Party insiders, like both of the Bushes, recognized his pull and tried to charm him and win him over, but tended to view him with ill-concealed distaste as something of an Archie Bunker figure. 

He was also the Left's leading hate figure until Donald Trump entered politics, even though Limbaugh's politics were just run-of-the-mill "God, guns, and limited gubmint" boomer Conservatism with a bit of ordinary common sense. It must have been the common sense part that bothered them so much. 

In 2016, Rush was late getting on the Trump train but generally supported Trump's Presidency when it became apparent there was no one else capable of winning. He also came to identify with Trump, to some degree, as a populist outside the Inner Circle of Conservatism Inc.

In 2020, when many knew he was in poor health, President Trump awarded him the
 Presidential Medal of Freedom. 

Trump and Limbaugh

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