Wednesday 20 January 2021


That gum you like has come back into style, folks! Yes, The Man from Another Place has added a little electricity to the stellar diverse line up of the Biden Administration, bringing a little "little man knowledge" to the new Administration.

Also known as "The Arm" (The Harm) he will be Joining Transgender Health Experts and a smorgasbord of US Patriots, friends of John Podesta, and BOB, as well as people who would never in 1000 years betray the USA, accept bribes, traffic human beings, or sell it out the USA to China.

Hailing from The Black Lodge, Twin Peaks Seattle, The Man from Another Place adds a little Northern States style, disgrace and declass to the Biden administration. 

“I want My Garmonbozia (Pain and Suffering)”

The Man from Another Place said at his appointment.

His new portfolio is "Czar for The Black Lodge - USA." It is a new governmental department added to the ever-growing Biden governmental over reach.

The Man from Another Place has stated he will meet only above a Convenience Store, with Woodsmen and assorted denizens of the the Outer Realms as his advisers, and that they will only meet at a Green Formica table.

It’s rumoured that The Man from Another Place is also lobbying hard for BOB, cleared of the 1990s Murder of Laura Palmer after Dale Cooper’s disappearance, hoping to get him a top Justice Department Role with Biden.

When asked for comment BOB said:

“Through the darkness of futures past, The magician longs to see, One chants out between two worlds, Fire walk with me.” When asked to clarify these comments Bob said, “I’ll catch you with my Death bag.”

The Man from Another Place is also lobbying hard for the mysterious Judy (pronounced “Joo Day”) to replace Anthony Blinken as Secretary of State. When asked for comment The Man from Another Place said:

“Blinken is in the Lodge, he cant get out, as a matter of fact he’s there right now”.

Blinken who was present during these comments was indeed surprised to hear this.

The Mystery Man was unavailable for comment on all this, but is rumoured to be a close Biden adviser, along with Mr Eddy, who will be an organised crime adviser.

Trad News reached out to The Man from Another Place, for additional comment on all this extraordinary news, he only had this cryptic comment to say:

“Let’s Rock!”

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