Wednesday 6 January 2021


The optics of a falling empire

The American one-party state (basically the Democrat anus with the GOP lips puckered round it) has been deeply embarrassed by the refusal of President Trump and his supporters to "go quietly into night" and take massive voter fraud lying down.

Among those most embarrassed was Vice President Mike Pence, who decided not to support Trump's call to challenge the election. 

According to Trump, the VP could have refused to certify electoral votes from states where there had been massive voting irregularities, forcing the state legislatures to vote on them. According to Trump this could have won him the election.

However, Pence like a true GOP member and establishment snake, decided to side with the Swamp, and played out a purely ceremonial role.

The political establishment, however, was further embarrassed when angry Trump supporters dissatisfied with the direction things were taking, stormed the extremely weak "affirmative action"-manned security at the Capitol Building, which houses Congress and the Senate. The mob even entered the Rotunda and Senate chamber.

Instead of the smooth transition to a Biden Presidency that they were hoping for, America's bribe takers were forced to cower from the boisterous but good-spirited mob like frightened children.

In surreal scenes, Senators, some of them wearing plastic bags over their heads (!!!!!), were then led to a "safe space" somewhere in the Capitol's basement, where they cowered some more.

Then in scenes reminiscent of Gibbon's "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire," Trump supporters, some of them wearing outlandish costumes (and possibly infiltrated by antifa and Deep State shills) then rampaged through the Capitol's Neo-Classical architecture like a horde of Vandals or Goths.

All this made America look weak, pathetic, disunited, and ineffective, which is about right

Nancy Pelosi's Office

Now being sold on eBay?

Possible Fed?

Trump later posted a video on his Twitter imploring his supporters to cooperate with law enforcement and return home.


  1. That guy entire crew is Antifa. The viking is Jake Angeli. Shows up at all kinds of Antifa events. Do some research you dummies. The dipshit on the left has a hammer and sickle tattoo on his hand.

    1. "Trump supporters, some of them wearing outlandish costumes (and possibly infiltrated by antifa and Deep State shills) then rampaged through the Capitol's Neo-Classical architecture like a horde of Vandals or Goths."

      Read the article dumbass!


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