Monday 4 January 2021


Piers Morgan is justly reviled in the UK for his pompous and preachy opinions. These are delivered to the long-suffering nation through his Twitter account and his morning news n' chat show "Good Morning Britain." 

The fat-faced pillock can self-righteously pontificate about any news topic that comes up, so you can imagine what a godsend Covid-19 has been for this vile attention whore.

Naturally, as the worst kind of male Karen, he fully supports the lockdown in all its tiers. It's certainly no sweat off his back because he can still stick his smug face on TV and get paid. 

Here is a typical Morgan tweet, promoting panic and pushing for a total national lockdown and mass vaccinations:

He literally never shuts up about this kind of thing.

But now Piers has been well and truly busted. After literally thousands of tweets and rants telling the plebs to suck up the lockdown in cold, miserable Britain, Piers has been caught jetting off to a sunny Caribbean island.

According to political gossip site Guido Fawkes, Piers flew out to a luxury resort just before Xmas:

According to a source Piers stayed at the exclusive luxurious Jumby Island resort, on the private island accessible only by boat from Antigua, which is 2 miles to the South. Guido has asked Piers to confirm he was in Antigua, his only response is a guilty silence, which is uncharacteristic. He also exercised a self-imposed no tweeting, no Instagramming black out over Christmas. Whilst so many of his viewers stayed at home as the government asked, Piers didn’t follow the advice.

This was a direct contravention of government advice not to travel at the time:

On the 18th December, the Foreign Office told travellers entry to the islands of Antigua and Barbuda “is restricted”. Guido understands that nevertheless before Christmas Day, though just after he urged Cabinet ministers on his show to introduce tougher measures to lockdown Christmas (December 16th), he flew out to Antigua in the Caribbean just ahead of the Tier 4 restrictions being imposed. The hypocrisy of urging tougher “stay at home” restrictions over Christmas before heading for the First Class lounge at Heathrow is beyond brazen.

Hopefully this will cut the Twitter twat and telly ranter down to size.

1 comment:

  1. It figures; I, only this moment, discovered your site, and 'The Purge' has begun.
    CONservative DEMocrat (I CONDEM the liberal vermin) says:F*ck it folks. You don't know these democrat succubus, like I do. We either exterminate them, or they will exterminate us.
    Face reality. Civil war is the only answer, if POTUS doesn't have the means to drive them out before the 20th.
    It will be a war that must start this month, or we lose like feckless, oh so civilized pussies.
    Support/join your local militia.


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