Wednesday 16 December 2020


You couldn't make this shit up with a million arseholes. Just days after SCOTUS ruled that individual states could do what the fuck they like regarding "voting arrangements" for Federal elections, it has now ruled that " they can't." 

While the Supreme Court ruled that the enormous irregularities and ballot stuffing that occurred in cities like Atlanta, Detroit, Philadelphia, etc., was none of its business, now it has ruled that Kansas asking its voters to bring voter ID is "unconstitutional."

As reported by archived mainstream media:

The Supreme Court on Monday (14th Dec.) rejected an appeal from Kansas that sought to revive a law requiring proof of citizenship to register to vote. A federal appeals court had declared the law unconstitutional.

Kansas had been the only state to require people to show a physical document such as a birth certificate or passport when applying to register to vote. The issue is distinct from state laws that call for people to produce driver licenses or other photo IDs to cast a vote in person.

The law was championed by former Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who led President Donald Trump’s now-defunct voter fraud commission. Kobach was a leading source for Trump’s...claim that millions of immigrants living in the U.S. illegally may have voted in the 2016 election.

Yes, the only consistency here is that anything is "constitutional" that supports the corrupt oligarchy of the USA -- in which the Democrats are the "Inner Party" and the cuckservative wing of the GOP is the "Outer Party," and anything is "unconstitutional" that works against this power.

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