Monday 7 December 2020


It is written in the ancient, holy books (, 2015) that America will be saved by the uprising of the chosen tribe of the Boomerites. 

"LOL, they will smite their enemies as the Angel of Death did smite the Moabites."


"With mighty staves adorned with the bars and the stars of the Great Donald, they will come arrayed to the field of Boomergeddon, and there drive before them the black-clad children of Satan. So it is written, so it will be."

Serious theologians believe that the "black-clad children of Satan" is a reference to Portland antifa, and that the clash between the two groups will signal the beginning of the "End Times" of the Deep State and the Draining of the Swamp.

Now it seems that this holy prophecy may actually be coming true, with reports of Boomers all across the nation rising up and BTFOing antifa, often using "mighty staves adorned with the bars and the stars" as in this recent scuffle in Olympia, Washington:

According to the prophecy, the rising of the "Boomerites" will not only make Time stand still but also run backwards, leading to a blissful eternal state known only as MAGA, where all that is impure and unholy will be confined behind "The Great Wall." 

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