Sunday 27 December 2020


In "Nothing to see here, folks" News, it seems that the Deep State has now decided on a patsy for the Nashville bombing -- just some lonely old White guy who was probably an incel. 

Here is the narrative being drip fed into the news cycle by the compliant mainstream media:

Law enforcement sources told CBS News the suspect in the Nashville explosion on Christmas Day may have been killed in the blast. DNA tests are being conducted on the human remains found at the scene.

Multiple sources confirm that Anthony Quinn Warner, a Nashville area resident, has been identified as a person of interest in this case. Federal agents are currently searching his home.

Warner, a Nashville area resident, had a similar make and model RV as the one in photos released to the public. Warner was described as a 63-year-old White man.

FBI Special Agent in Charge Doug Korneski said Saturday there is no indication of additional explosive threats. He said officials had received about 500 tips and are "not working on any assumptions."

Other details are starting to emerge, like this job description of someone by the suspect's name. Working for a company making custom alarms ties in rather well with the warning announcement that preceded the explosion:

Also there is an old court record from 1980, showing a conviction for "Case Type: CC" (contempt of court):

The story now is that this Quinn guy started the bomb countdown, then switched on a loud warning announcement that told people to evacuate the area, and then shot himself just before the bomb exploded.

Yes, the best kind of patsy for anything as
seriously suspicious as this is a dead one. 

The meme that he "may" have been an anti-5G nut has also been floated in several places. Whether that is the story they run with will become apparent soon enough, as the police have now supposedly raided Quinn's home and taken away bags of stuff. 

As reported by RT:

While officials decline to name the suspect, one of ‘more than 500’ initial leads brought them to a two-story red brick suburban house on Bakertown Road in Antioch, Tennessee on Saturday. After a bomb squad swept the house for potential explosive devices, federal agents began their search for any clues in an attempt to establish a motive.

While the RV was parked outside an AT&T transmission building when the bomb went off, severely crippling communications and 911 emergency call centers, authorities have yet to officially identify either a target or a motive for the bombing.

My guess is they'll bring up the 5G association if people keep asking questions about the location -- a top secret AT&T facility that was "brushed" out of Google Street View -- but won't if they can kill the story quickly enough with a "human interest" angle, probably based on a narrative of what an embittered loser this guy was.   

Some say we should trust the authorities until we know better. In a post 9-11 world I think it really works the other way round -- we shouldn't believe a single word that comes out of "official sources" in the aftermath of incidents like this until it is totally backed up, if that is even possible. 

Right now what I'm seeing here looks like the patsy stage of an operation. I could be wrong and maybe this Quinn guy is a genuine lone nutter who just happened to blow the fuck out of a secret CIA-linked AT&T facility for personal reasons, while being extra careful to avoid civilian casualties. But how many times a week does that happen?


  1. Have seen pics showing Warners RV having 2 stripes up top. Bomb RV has only 1 stripe.


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