Tuesday 1 December 2020


The New Yorker magazine is justly infamous for its smug but unwittingly self-parodying cover illustrations. However the December issue strikes a new low in such loathsomeness. It depicts a disgusting cat-lady-slash-bugwoman full of metro-urban conceit. This despite the fact that the sleekly drawn image clearly reveals that her life is an obvious sham of rootless alienation, patched together by tawdry consumerism. 

The young, "mystery meat" woman checks her social media on two devices -- a laptop and a smartphone -- in a desperate quest for "simp juice" and the validation that her sterile life so clearly lacks. Scattered across the floor are empty Amazon delivery boxes. discarded face masks, cat piss, and other garbage revealing the clear mismatch between her fake "virtual self" and the vile, vomit-inducing reality. Her cats look on disinterestedly and bored, confirming that this is the kind of woman who would be worst suited to motherhood.

The kitchen sink is full of dirty dishes and her bed, which we can also see in her tiny apartment, is of course unmade. Elsewhere there are bottles of pills (antidepressants?) and stenching cartons of Chinese junk food that haven't been cleared away for days or possibly weeks. 

The message here is obvious - the New Yorker is reaching out to its disgusting readership of rootless city office drones living lonely, unhealthy, and unfulfilling lives in tiny overpriced apartments in a dysfunctional city, and presenting their obvious life failure as "success" in order to keep them on the "Big Apple" plantation for a few years more (by which time it will be too late for them).


  1. Ahem, you forgot to mention that she's sipping on cheap sugary wine, possibly that comes in a box.

    1. Oh, wait, I take that back; she's got three discarded wine bottles on top of her fridge next to an opened box of cereal or crackers.

  2. There's also the shojii screen seperating her 'office' from her 'bedroom' meaning its a studio sized closet shithole apartment

    1. I swear, the more you notice about this picture, the more it seems like a troll. Maybe the artist who made this cartoon is more self-aware than we think?

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