Wednesday 2 December 2020


The world has been shocked to learn that a man who always wears masks has caught the coronavirus. This practically impossible occurrence comes after thousands of politicians and top medical experts have reassured us for months that wearing a small piece of cloth in front of our faces is a sure fire way to stop the deadly Chinese virus from spreading. 

What makes this case all the more remarkable is that the man who always wears the mask works entirely alone, sitting in a racing car all day, totally isolated from other human beings unless he crashes into them.

Also, he normally wears a crash helmet over his mask, providing what should be an additional protective barrier to the air-borne virus. 

This news could lead millions of people to question the medical advice they have been given. In fact, many of them may even decide that the best way to deal with the health crisis is to just stop worrying about it. They may even decide that sitting around at home all day, getting fat and suicidal, is not a good idea. Some might even consider going back to their jobs before they totally disappear. 

As for the man who always wears a mask, it is not known whether he has stopped wearing his mask or not. The good news, however, is that his employers have found another man to replace him and wear a mask.

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