Friday 4 December 2020


Hong Kong (aka "Communist China Lite") has sentenced th
ree leading pro-democracy LARPers to jail, including Joshua Wong.

Wong is the specky studenty type whom the Western media boosted to international fame during the mass pro-Democracy protests that occurred in Hong Kong before the coronavirus suspiciously broke out and killed off the movement.

The charges were "organising and inciting others to attend an unlawful assembly" outside the police headquarters in June 2019. 

The Guardian reports:

At the West Kowloon magistrates court on Wednesday, the 24-year-old was sentenced to a total of 13 and a half months in jail for organising and inciting others to attend an unlawful assembly outside the police headquarters in June 2019.

Fellow activists Agnes Chow, 23, and Ivan Lam, 26, were also sentenced, getting ten months and seven months respectively.

The judge, Wong Sze-lai, took the prior records of Lam and Wong into account and said jail time was the only appropriate option in order to deter others.

“The court has considered that the offending period of the three defendants lasted for around 15 minutes and all the facts of the case, including that they committed the offence in a joint enterprise under the prevailing circumstances of increasing incidents of social unrest and large scale public protests, which in the court’s view, made the case more serious,” the judge said.

The Hong Kong government which is controlled by Communist China, is unlikely to release Wong, Lam, and Chow even when their sentences are fully served. Instead new charges will probably be manufactured to keep them under lock and key possibly indefinitely -- or until their
organs can be sold

So, it looks like these heroic freedom fighters, who didn't do anything "Wong," will have to get used to prison "Chow" unless they go on the "Lam."

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