Tuesday 29 December 2020


Yup, got to tie up those pesky loose ends. 

It seems that Efrain Reyes, the man who shared a jail cell with Jeffrey Epstein, has died. No one saw that one coming now, did they?

As reported by National File:

Five months after being released from jail due to contracting COVID-19, Efrain “Stone” Reyes, has died. Neither his lawyer nor the Southern District of New York have issued a public comment on his death.

A misleading headline from the New York Daily News indicated that Reyes, who was the last man to share a cell with Jeffrey Epstein before the billionaire pedophile’s alleged suicide, died from complications related to COVID-19. In reality, Reyes’ niece indicated she believed his life was shortened due to COVID-19, but noted that he recovered from the disease in the more than five months since he contracted it.

The official Medical Examiner has not yet determined the cause of Reyes’ death. Back. In April, while serving a sentence for a drug trafficking conviction, he was diagnosed with the coronavirus and released. He completely recovered and then apparently "died" three months later. His death was not reported publicly until today.

Yes, perfectly normal for a 51-year-old man to just keel over and conveniently die like this, especially when he had shared a cell with a probable Mossad agent who appears to have been running a pedo sting operation to blackmail important people for Israel.

In fact, Reyes appears to have told his niece some info about Epstein:

According to Lopez, Reyes told her that Epstein was abused by both guards and inmates while incarcerated, and feared reprisal should he report the misbehavior:

“They knew how much money he had. They said let’s push him around and extort him for money. They thought they could get his money,” Lopez said.

“(Staff) were treating him like crap. They were making him sleep on the floor. They wouldn’t let him sleep on a cot.”

Reyes, who pleaded guilty to a narcotics conspiracy involving crack and heroin at Bronx housing projects, saw firsthand that Epstein was trapped between inmates and cruel correctional officers, according to Lopez.

This sounds pretty phony to me, because it seems designed to tie in with the narrative that a "depressed" Epstein was nudged into killing himself. It is much more likely that he was murdered or spirited away, with a look-a-like corpse being substituted in his place. 

With a large part of the narrative of Epstein's final days hinging on Reyes, you can see why his premature death could be very convenient for some people. The time might have come when some journalist, who hadn't got the memo, pushed him too hard. That could have proved embarrassing and raised new questions. So, yes, Reyes' death certainly ties up that loose end.

Also, note the massive time lag in his death being reported? A guy who was connected to what should have been the biggest news story in the last ten years died in September, yet the media is fast asleep and only wakes up a month after the election to run it as a footnote in late December. Are they really trying to tell us they are just tools of the Mossad or the US Deep State, because that's exactly what this looks like to most people.

Please mainstream media, blink twice if you being held prisoner by nefarious actors and need rescuing.

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