Sunday 20 December 2020


Trump Derangement Syndrome takes many forms, but the most toxic one is where the sufferer makes the mistake of assuming that anyone besides Trump will be great. 

This has been seen across the internet in recent weeks, with countless celebrities and public figures gushing about what a genius Joe Biden is, simply because he is not Trump. 

The problem with this is that as soon as Biden starts doing stuff, it becomes instantly obvious what a senile, corrupt shill for corporate and Deep State interests he really is. Those who formerly supported him are then left with a deep sense of disgust and shame, and may even suffer temporary mental breakdown.

The latest "Biden booster" to be facing this "dark night of the soul" is left-wing love object Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), previously a big fan of the child-sniffing President Elect.

Now AOC claims that she is "frustrated" and "depressed" by Biden's choice of a transition team, because it is full of Corporate Bigwigs instead of idealistic socialists and ex-baristas like herself. Wow, didn't see that coming!

AOC's blackpilled comments came in an interview with The Intercept’s Jeremy Scahill of the Intercepted podcast.

When Scahill characterized the Biden administration as a "corporate revolving door" for "ultra-hawkish, right-wing Democrats," AOC meekly agreed, saying:

"It’s horrible and I think it’s part of a larger issue...we now have a Biden administration that’s bringing back a lot of Obama appointees but when Obama was making appointments, he was bringing back a lot of Clinton appointees, and so this is not just a revolving door of private industry, but it’s a revolving door of just the same people for the last 10, 20, 30 years...and one of the main reasons...we got Donald Trump in the first place.

In another part of the interview, the 31-year-old Cortez criticized the super-annuated leadership of the Democratic Party, which never seems to change:

“I do think we need new leadership in the Democratic Party. I think one of the things that I have struggled with, I think that a lot of people struggle with, is the internal dynamics of the House has made it such that there's very little options for succession...Even conservative members of the party who think Nancy Pelosi is far too liberal for them don’t necessarily have any viable alternatives, which is why whenever there’s a challenge, it kind of collapses. And that is, I think, the result of just many years of power being concentrated in leadership with lack of … real grooming of a next generation of leadership.”

The Democratic leader in the Senate, Chuck Schumer is now 70 years old, while the leader in the House Nancy Pelosi is 80. Joe Biden, of course is 78. If they haven't retired yet, it's not going to happen. They will need to be carried out.

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