Sunday 15 November 2020



When you think of Africa...

With the apparent defeat of Donald Trump in the recent Presidential Election, the "dark hordes" have noticed a weakening in the "Force" of American hegemony. The result is that global chaos, long held in check by the power of "The Donald," has now been unleashed.

In the past week, for example, we have seen two new wars break out in Africa alone.

In Ethiopia, a large, multicultural state composed of various ethnic groups that all hate each other, we have seen a serious conflict break out between the Tigrayan People's Liberation Front and the Ethiopian Federal government.

Although the TPLF are a gang of Maoists, this is essentially a nationalist struggle for independence. Nationalists should feel at least a little bit sympathetic to the Tigrayans, even though the head of the World Health Organization is also a Tigrayan.

Basically the Tigrayans are Mel Gibson in this movie:

Meanwhile on the other side of Africa, another war has broken out between yet another Maoist group and yet another over-expansive and over-centralising state, this time Morocco. 

Back in the 1970s, with the death of their beloved leader General Franco, the Spanish pulled out of their African colonies, including a large area of desert called the Western Sahara. Morocco then managed to seize most of the territory, but the locals, the Berber Sahrawi people were not too happy about that, leading to a lengthy conflict between the Moroccan government and the Polisario Liberation Front.

This was then followed by an equally lengthy truce, in which the country was split into two zones divided by a sand wall. The Moroccans got most of the beach, but the 
Sahrawi managed to get around a 50-50 share of the camels.

In a statement on the group's website, the leader of the Polisario Front Brahim Ghali declared war on Morocco after accusing the Moroccans of breaking the truce by forcing a way through the sand wall and then attacking protesters:

“After the Kingdom of Morocco violated the ceasefire agreement on 13 November 2020 by attacking civilians peacefully protesting in front of the illegal Guerguerat breach, and opening three new breaches within the Moroccan military wall in flagrant violation of the Military Agreement No. 1 signed between the Polisario Front and the Kingdom of Morocco under the auspices of the United Nations, in implementation of Security Council Resolution 690 of 1991, which provides for the organization of the referendum of self-determination for the Sahrawi people, and based on the decisions of the extraordinary session of the National Secretariat of the Polisario Front  held on 07/11/2020, and the powers conferred upon him by the Basic Law of the Polisario Front and the constitution of the SADR, Mr Brahim Ghali, the President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front, issued a presidential decree on November 13, 2020, declaring the end of the commitment to the ceasefire, which the Moroccan occupation had undermined and the consequent resumption of armed struggle in defense of the legitimate rights of our people.”

The Moroccans are claiming that they "merely" entered the buffer zone between the two forces to re-open a road blocked by Polisario supporters backed by armed fighters. The road at the Guerguerat crossing to Mauritania is the main land link between Morocco and the rest of Africa. It had been blocked since October 21st.

Although the Polasario Front is also a Maoist group, 
Brahim Ghali is basically Mel Gibson in this movie:

Yes, the Sahrawis (hope I'm spelling that right) are "based" nationalistic patriots fighting against an evil monarchy that probably wants to tax their beards or something. Therefore they deserve your full support. 

So, please, when it comes to African politics, no more posting of Rhodesian GF memes. That's just fucking retarded and lets everyone know you're an incel. 

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