Sunday 15 November 2020


Back in the day working-class White men in the UK had a decent shout at being represented among the country's ruling elites. In the 1970s the Trade Unions had lots of power, and almost all their leadership was working-class White men. 

In the UK Parliament, one of the two parties of government was dominated by working-class White men. This was also a time when working-class White men didn't even have to first go to university and become middle-class professionals in order to become MPs. They could get elected straight from the factory floor or the coal pits.

But now the boot is on the other foot.

Check the table above. In 1979, a grand total of 142 MPs were either farmers, manual workers, or miners. By 2015 that had shrunk to a pathetic 33.

It seems White working-class men have become society's whipping boys. Their Trade Unions were crushed by Thatcher in the 1980s, and they have been progressively pushed out of politics.

Now, the only option for working-class White men to become part of the ruling elite is to get a good education and pretend to be middle class. But even this has become increasingly difficult. In a new blow for them, it has been revealed that they are now being pushed out of elite academia at what can only be described as an industrial scale.

As reported by the Daily Mail:

A university that boasts of being one of the most diverse in the UK failed one year to admit a single white working class student.

The startling fact appears in a document detailing plans to improve access to SOAS University of London.

The document says the number of white undergraduates living in poor neighbourhoods that were recruited through the main UCAS admission round in 2017 was zero.

The disclosure will fuel growing concerns that white working class children, particularly boys, have become the education system’s forgotten dispossessed.

White pupils eligible for free school meals are half as likely as their peers from poor ethnic minority families to achieve strong passes at GCSE. They are also more likely to attend a failing school.

All ethnic minority groups in England are now, on average, more likely to go to university than their white British peers.

So, what's going on here? Why are working-class White guys suddenly "too stupid" to go to uni? 

The real explanation is that middle-class Whites have reinforced their position in society and their dominance of elite power structures by replacing their working-class rivals with easier to handle ethnic minorities under the guise of promoting "diversity," being "woke," and demonising working-class masculinity.

Like all universities in the UK, SOAS has an "Access and Participation Plan" designed to demonstrate how they will "recruit and support under-represented groups," but only use it to push out straight working-class White males and bring in non-Whites, women, or LGBT.

Other universities in London have admitted very low proportions under the measure. Imperial College recruited 30 white applicants from poor neighbourhoods in 2017 – just one per cent of its intake.

Conservative MP Ben Bradley said the figures showed a drive for ‘diversity’ was leaving white working class communities behind.

‘Our institutions value diversity of skin colour more than background or experience,’ he said. ‘That’s a huge shame, but more importantly, it disadvantages the poorest. It’s simply wrong. On the plus side, I’m pleased that this is now being recognised, that these figures are gathered and looked at and that some institutions are trying to rectify things.’

In recent years there has been a massive expansion of university education, but working-class White males have been thrown on the dunghill.

A report by the National Education Opportunities Network (NEON) last year found that at more than half of institutions, less than five per cent of students were white and from areas where very few young people go to university.

SOAS describes itself as the "world’s leading institution for the study of Asia, Africa and the Middle East" and its alumni include Myanmar’s leader Aung San Suu Kyi and former Conservative Minister Enoch Powell.

The question is what are working-class White males going to do about their marginalisation? 

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