Sunday 29 November 2020


This crappy SPLC graphic is supposed to make you hate someone.

The SPLC is a well-known anti-free-speech, paranoia-promoting hate group, that is mainly funded by Jewish donors. What does the group hate? Well, mainly free speech, but anyone to the right of Trotsky will also do.

Once again the organisation is attempting to attack America's culture of free speech by conflating sensible nationalists and conservatives with nutcases, Nazis, and grifters. 

In an article on the SPLC site, titled "Extremists Are Cashing in on a Youth-Targeted Gaming Website," writers Hannah Gais and Michael Hayden allege that "bad people" are using DLive to sell "hate" online -- and must be stopped at all costs because the SPLC says so.

They then use the standard SPLC tactic of picking a few out-and-out loonies and mixing them in with with sensible voices they disapprove of:

These leaders include pro-Trump pundit Nick Fuentes, Patrick Casey of American Identity Movement (formerly Identity Evropa), British neo-Nazi Mark Collett and Austria’s Martin Sellner of Generation Identity... Matthew Q. Gebert, a State Department official who led the Washington, D.C.-area chapter of a white nationalist organization, also recently started livesteaming on DLive.

Owen Benjamin, a self-described comedian of the white supremacist-friendly “alt-right” movement ... is also making significant amounts of money from the youth-targeted website. In September, Benjamin called DLive a “great service,” saying that one of the platform’s perks was that “young Zoomers” could see him livestreaming “on the front page because I’m their number-one earner now.”

Like Benjamin, the extremists Squire identified to Hatewatch are people who have been suspended or removed from mainstream social media sites and payment processors. DLive is currently providing these figures a lifeline both to promote their content and make a living from it, Squire noted.

Yes, these people have been deplatformed somewhere "for reasons," so it's entirely legitimate to deplatform them again and again and again. That seems to be the only real "argument" deployed here.

The article also includes a handy chart showing how much money their arbitrary list of "evil" DLivers has earned from April to October, 2020:

While Mark Collett is clearly a Nazi who admires Hitler, and Azzmador is a close friend of Stormertard Andrew Anglin, all that can be said against accounts like Fuentes, Owen Benjamin, Patrick Casey, and the Ralph Retort is that they made the occasional off-colour joke or ironic remark. 

Fuentes, for example, is an "America First" nationalist and Trad-Cath catboy-lover of partly Hispanic background. Hardly the Neo-Nazi stereotype that the SPLC is falsely presenting.

For the "crime" of making a humorous remark or slightly "offensive" joke, the SPLC wants to drive him and others off every platform in the universe, regardless of the horrendous violence this is causing to America's defining tradition of free speech.

Groups like the SPLC are clearly deeply and toxically anti-American. In fact, they present such a bad example of "Jewish power" used wrongly that they actually generate hatred towards Jews. But they don't care because they are still getting their "fear bucks." Obviously if anyone needs deplatforming and banning it is them before they do any more damage to free speech and Jewish interests.

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