Monday 16 November 2020


It's a myth that anchor men are just autocue-reading morons. To carry it off they have to be at least semi-intelligent and know something about what is passing out of their mouths. But there are always exceptions, and it seems that news anchor legend Dan Rather is the one that proves the rule -- i.e. a total moron.

This became clear when Ole Dan, who is now enjoying retirement, was wheeled out to play with his Twitter account and decided to take a pot shot at the Proud Boys.

Yes I know, that is retarded because the Proud Boys are generally the good guys. But old timers like Dan, who get 100% of their view of the world from the legacy media, have actually been gaslit into believing that the Proud Boys are actual Nazis.

As far as Dan is concerned, they are Nazi brownshirts looking for a synagogue to burn down. So he "bravely" tweeted:

Righty-ho, Dan! Nice one -- that'll show those knuckle-dragging Neo-Nazi Proud Boys! Only a democracy-loving Democrat could have put a man on the Moon.

But, wait a minute, who exactly was the brilliant. progressive NASA scientist who built the rockets that put Americans on the Moon?

It was this guy, Wernher Von Braun:

A few years before this he was working on a different kind of rocket for these guys, of whom he was one:

Yes, an actual Nazi!

Not only was he a member of the Nazi Party (h
e applied for membership of the Party on 12th November 1937, and was issued membership number 5,738,692) but he also used slave labour in his rocket building projects for the Third Reich. After the war the Americans decided to give him a second chance because of his enormous expertise, but his links to the Hitler regime were never covered up.

Really, Dan, you just won yourself the Trad News "Idiot of the Month" award for November. Well done!

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