Tuesday 10 November 2020


Scientists have probably proved by now that the Catholic Church is around 85% pure pedo with minor trace elements of carbon, helium, nirogen, and Latin. So the latest report by the UK's Independent Inquiry Into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) will contain few surprises. 

Commenting on hundreds of allegations of child sexual abuse by thousands of victims, the report accused the Church of caring more about its reputation than the sexually abused kids.

As reported by Sky News:

The Catholic Church in England and Wales prioritised its own reputation ahead of the welfare of children who made sex abuse allegations, an inquiry has found.

The Independent Inquiry Into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) criticised "ongoing failings" within the church and said its "moral purpose has been betrayed by those who sexually abused children".

It also condemned "those who turned a blind eye" and failed to take action against perpetrators.

The report stated that Archbishop of Westminster Cardinal Vincent Nichols - head of the church in England and Wales - "demonstrated a lack of understanding" of the impact of abuse.

He "seemingly put the reputation of the church first", it added. 

After being confronted with the report, Cardinal Nichols did everything in his power to protect the reputation of the Church by pretending to "mortified" and "ashamed," and promising to "do every single thing in our power to get our response right."

The obvious answer is to keep children in cages, rather like this experimental one in America. which the Holy Family is testing with a priest who is unsuccessfully trying to "molest" the Baby Jesus.

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