Monday 23 November 2020


By now you should know that the "Kraken" is code for the exposure of mass election fraud that is supposedly going to happen sometime soon and completely reverse the election result that the media has already called for Joe Biden.

Such a turnaround would be a devastating blow to America's entire corrupt political, media, and even economic systems, and possibly herald a revolutionary resurrection of the American spirit. 

"Any day now..."

But, it seems, people are getting a little impatient with having their chains contsantly yanked in this way.

Here's Tucker:

Yes, a lot of people dumped on the former Comet Ping Pong customer for daring to question the "Kraken" in this way. But, as more time passes without anything significant happening, people are starting to question whether the Kraken is all it's cracked up to be.

Over to you Hotep Jesus:

In fact this shit has been going on so long that people have even started making Kraken porn

Yes, I edited out the Kraken's crack as Trad News is a family-friendly site.

Right now the whole world is on tenterhooks. The mighty Kraken has loosened its gargantuan belt and rolled down its moon-sized pants and is now crouched over a trembling Establishment, grunting and grimacing.

But when exactly is the actual shit going to hit the actual fan?

Also, how many scatological metaphors will I be forced to use before we see the first real bowel movement of this Second American Revolution? Clock is ticking... 

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