Friday 20 November 2020


Largo and Ohu: no one is safe

Our sources in the Pentagon tell us that America is developing a deadly new weapon that can even turn meek, undersized, gentle women into dangerous weapons of mass destruction.

This is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) applied through "rape" or "bad romantic relationships" -- depending on your point of view. 

For many years, people have feared a sharp decline in the fighting ability of America's main overseas combat unit, the US Marines due to the influx of women into the ranks. According to 2019 figures, a massive 8% of the force is already female and this number can only grow as wokeness expands under a President Kamala Harris. 

But rather than leading to a weakening of US fighting capability, this may in fact lead to a rise in killing power, with the Marine Corps turning its female soldiers into even deadlier versions of the males through complex psychological engineering techniques that involve giving the female marines PTSD.

The methods used seem to range from outright sexual assault to forgetting to phone back the next morning.
"Why hasn't he phoned me since last night?"

This has now been confirmed by some recent cases, in which female Marines became so violent that the lives of untreated male Marines were put in severe jeopardy, forcing the Marine Corps to lock up the women and then press charges to further justify their incarceration. In fact, these women are now so dangerous that to let them out in a non-combat zone could endanger innocent civilian lives.

As reported by Task and Purpose:

The Marine Corps is pressing charges, including attempted murder, against a Virginia Beach corporal who has been locked up in a Chesapeake brig for months while her family publicly pleads for her to get mental health treatment.

Cpl. Thae Ohu, 27, has struggled with PTSD and other conditions following a sexual assault by a fellow Marine years ago — trauma that led to a psychological break this spring, her family contends.

Military prosecutors say that’s when she attacked her boyfriend, and have now formally referred nine violations of the Uniformed Code of Military Justice including aggravated assault on an intimate partner, burglary and communicating a threat. She will face a general court-martial in March.

The other deadly female who has to be locked up is Pfc. Celeste Largo, a woman of Navaho background, assigned to Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron 31 on Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort, South Carolina. 

She has been charged with attempted assault, unauthorized absence, willfully disobeying a superior commissioned officer, failure to obey an order, and three counts of serious assault. 

Again the reason is PTSD implanted in Largo apparently as part of her "training" with the "rape" being carried out by someone in her chain of command.

America is clearly playing a dangerous game using advanced psychological destabilisation techniques to create ever deadlier killing machines. In this case their experiments seem to have tragically backfired, putting US lives at risk rather than those of the enemy.

Such outlandish experiments and military overreach is typical of crumbling empires. The US plan is oddly reminiscent of the Soviet scheme to create an army of invincible ape soldiers endorsed by Joseph Stalin.

Stalin's ideal soldier

The Soviet dictator famously ordered the Russian scientist Il’ya Ivanov to cross-breed humans with anthropoid apes to create a new breed of super soldier. Stalin is said to have told Ivanov: 

"I want a new invincible human being, insensitive to pain, resistant and indifferent about the quality of food they eat."

Luckily for human civilisation Ivanov's attempts to cross-breed humans with ape came to nothing. If only we could be certain that the latest US experiments would fail as well.

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