Sunday 7 June 2020


I didn’t know George Floyd. I’ve never met or spoken to him. I wasn’t even aware he was alive until the media told me he was dead. So not a tear was shed or a minute of sleep lost when I heard the news. To put it bluntly, I don’t care that he’s dead.

Neither does anyone else. Only his local community of friends and family knew him and therefore experienced a legitimate loss. He’s just a viral video to everyone else. All that’s occurred since his death would have gone down exactly the same if it was Anyone Else from Anywheresville, USA.

George Floyd is not a martyr, he’s an excuse. An excuse for people to do exactly what they wanted: loot, riot, virtue signal, attack the police and president, etc.

What about the peaceful protests standing against police brutality? Surely they care about George? Nope. Again, he could have been anyone else and they would have protested. Others have discussed the long list of white victim to police brutality. Yet no one bothered to march for their justice. These protests aren’t anti-police brutality, they’re anti-white. Cops kill a white person? No one cares. Cops kill a black person? The entire country must burn for its "white supremacy."


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1 comment:

  1. what about the black who murdered the two 80 year old couple in the Delaware veterans cemetery? No protest about them! Media silent. Just another chance for blacks to get new TV's and riot steal and burn . Screw Floyd! Good riddance


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