Tuesday 9 June 2020


The ideological temperature has just gotten a lot hotter after a THOT war broke out between antifa darling Moldylocks (remember her?) and Martina Markota, right wing erotic dancer and wife of former BNP stalwart Jack Bucky. 

It started when Moldylocks posted the following images and message in an attempt to glamorize the beta male violence of antifa.

Moldylocks is of course famous for her sprawling, untrimmed ladybush, which can be freely observed on Pornhub (be sure to check just the one video and come straight back). 

Antifa survivor and fake Right-winger Richard Spencer was quick to simp for Moldylocks:

But the rest of the Right-wing, with its wealth of smoking hot tottie, was not about to let this provocation go unanswered. 

Martina Markota, the wife of Jack Buckby, a man so extreme he has been denied entry to the USA, was quick to hit back with some revealing shots of her own ideological principles set in a flattering light. 

She also tweeted the following BTFO message:

Hi, I’m a right winger. I hate ANTIFA, also known as a domestic terrorist organization. They doxxed my address and tried to get me killed by publishing my address in Brooklyn & calling me a Nazi. Fuck ANTIFA. Wanna fight? Bring your bat, you know what we carry.

The Left is clearly losing this "tit"-anic battle and, in desperation, have now called up their #BlackLivesMatter reserves in one last throw of the dice.

Get shaking!

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