Wednesday 17 June 2020


You are all familiar with the above photo showing the big, "brave," black man that the media wants to promote as the "hero" of the recent BLM riots in London

His name is Patrick Hutchinson and the official narrative is that he "saved" an "evil White, far-right racist" from a crowd of "justifiably angry blacks" who merely wanted to "peacefully" stomp him to death. 

Hutchinson has now become a symbol of a "harmonious multicultural" Britain that has just had its anus stretched wide open to accommodate the blatant Anti-White dildoism of Black Lives Matter.
As reported by the Sun:

Patrick, a martial arts expert, said: “It’s not black versus white, it’s everyone versus the racists. why did he save one, then?

“His life was under threat so I just scooped him up on to my shoulders and started marching towards the police with him.

“It was scary. But you don’t think about it at the time, you do what you’ve got to do.”

Footage of the incident showed Patrick and four friends forming a protective ring around the stricken white man, thought to be a far right protester.

It is believed he became separated from his group and was attacked during scuffles near the Royal Festival Hall.

Patrick took him to the safety of police lines.

And here's the Daily Mail telling us he wouldn't hurt a fly. Yes, they actually used that cliche:

His younger brother Don told the Daily Mail: 'My brother is a big guy but even though he has the capability to hurt people, he wouldn't hurt a fly.

He added: 'His first thought was that someone was in danger. He didn't think, 'Oh, this is a black guy or white guy.' He thought someone could die and I have to get involved.

'He wouldn't stand there and see someone kicked to death. Patrick just took it all in his stride. All he said is, 'It's not black versus white, it's everybody against racism'.'

Don said he hoped his brother's actions could help the country to heal, adding: 'It is time that we all set our differences aside and learn to work together.'

Fucking heart-warming. Interracial brotherhood between Whites and Blacks is now within touching distance. But, hang on, let's take a closer his gloves:

These are not normal gloves, they are actually knuckle duster gloves, with steel knuckles, exactly like this thuggish implement of extreme violence:

In many places these are considered illegal weapons because they can cause injuries like this:

In the UK, their legal status is a little ambiguous. 

According to Wikipedia:

In the United Kingdom, weighted knuckle gloves are legal to buy, sell and own. Possession in a public place would depend on a number of factors. Section 1 Prevention of Crime Act 1953 creates the offence of possession of an offensive weapon in a public place without "lawful authority or reasonable excuse".

A "reasonable excuse" in this case would be, say, riding a motorcycle, as bikers need hard hand protection in the event of an accident. 

But clearly Mr. Hutchinson was not riding a motorcycle at the time, and even if he was, where was his helmet, etc.? Instead he was attending a BLM counter-demonstration that was aiming to violently disrupt a patriotic rally held in support of historical statues. 

In these circumstances, this is a clear-cut case of "possession of an offensive weapon in a public place." 

This is the same as bringing a knife, cosh, or some other tool of violence to a protest. Just possession is enough to be considered a thug and a criminal. Yes, far from being the "hero" the MSM wants you to believe, Hutchinson was actually just another law breaker. It's also not clear why he did what he did. Maybe he wanted to save the White man or maybe he knew that his comrades in BLM would go too far and end up in jail for murder as there were cameras everywhere. 

Or else he might even have realised that this would be the great photo-op it turned out to be. 

Whatever Hutchinson's motivations, it would be interesting for a real journalists to scratch beneath the surface and find out the real truth about this fresh-minted "hero" of the Fake News media. I sure if they looked they would find a fascinating story about this so-called "fitness instructor."

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