Saturday 16 May 2020


Just when you think Trump has found an issue that he can finally get "based" on, he always lets you down and transforms back into a basic bitch Republican.

Here we go again, as reported by Fox News:

The Trump administration is on the brink of restoring some funding to the World Health Organization, a month after the president announced that it would be suspended while the government investigated the WHO's response to the coronavirus pandemic.

According to a five-page draft letter to WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus obtained by "Tucker Carlson Tonight" Friday, the administration will "agree to pay up to what China pays in assessed contributions" to the WHO.

"We're told the president supposedly has agreed to sign the letter if he hasn't already," host Tucker Carlson said Friday. "It'd be interesting to know who convinced him to do that."

A senior administration official confirmed to "Tucker Carlson Tonight" that Trump has agreed to the plan set out in the draft letter.

"Despite [its] shortcomings, I believe that the WHO still has tremendous potential, and want to see the WHO live up to this potential, particularly now during this global crisis" the draft letter reads, apparently in President Trump's voice.

"That is why I've decided the United States will continue to partner and work with the WHO ..." it adds.

Let's stop lying to ourselves here, this is part of a repetitive pattern. Trump talks big but walks small.

Lock up Hillary? NOPE
Send them back? NOPE
Build a wall? NOPE

Anything that would actually make ordinary Americans want to vote for him is quickly watered down after grabbing a few headlines. 

The latest example is this fake "defunding" of the World Health Organisation, the corrupt organisation that was tasked with the simple job of warning us about pandemics but completely failed.

When Trump announced that he was defunding it, we all cheered, but here again we see the same trajectory -- a flurry of headlines, a populist surge of support, a pause as the story goes cold, and then a few weeks later a back pages follow-up piece that lets all the air out of the balloon.

Trump's defenders will point to this part of the story:

"China owes a massive debt to the entire world, and it can start with paying its fair share to the WHO."

Previous U.S. funding of the WHO amounted to about $400 million per year. If the U.S. does match China's contributions, the new funding level will be about one-tenth of that amount.

"If China increases its funding to the WHO," the letter adds, "we will consider matching those increases."

Yeh, sure, the US is going to pay a lot less than before, whoopdedoo!

We'll see. Come back in a year and check how that works out. 

My guess is US funding will be even higher than it was before the Coronavirus Pandemic. The reason? Because this is what Trump always does and also because there is a synergy between Big Pharma and the WHO. Big Pharma use the WHO to "legitimise" a lot of their big money-spinning ideas like siphoning off billions in Western aid to the Third World in overpriced medical products essentially paid for by the U.S. taxpayer.

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