Thursday 7 May 2020


The tragic story of Kriss Donald in 2004 is well known -- but mainly to nationalists -- a teenage boy kidnapped and tortured to death by a racist gang of Pakistani thugs and then totally ignored by the mainstream media.

If the races had been reversed and a Pakistani teen had been so much as gently bruised by Scots, the mainstream media would never stop going on about it. But we all know that bit too.

What is more surprising is for pop stars -- default Leftists and multiculturalists -- to commemorate a victim of Pakistani-on-White violence. But, oddly, that's just what happened.

As reported by the Glasgow Evening Times:

INDIE rockers have posted touching tributes to murdered teenager Kriss Donald during an online listening party.

Last night, The Charlatans frontman Tim Burgess, posted a picture of Kriss Donald to coincide with the Glasvegas song Flowers and Football Tops, written in memory of the murdered teen, during his regular Twitter album listening parties. 

The Charlatans are a pretty big group tbh, so it's good that Burgess is using his fame to draw attention to the killing of Donald. 

Also, Glasvegas, although not quite as big as the Charlatans, are a reasonably well-known Indie band, and their song about Kriss "Flowers and Football Tops" deserves to be better known by all of us who oppose anti-White racism.

The bottom line here is you can't be a serious musician unless you are prepared to deal with serious issues in your music and lyrics, and it doesn't get more serious than racial replacement and violence against Whites in their own countries.

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