Thursday 21 May 2020


Being a Leftist in Britain today is all about taking one big delicious spoonful of cuck-shit after another, and then licking the barrel it was delivered in completely clean.

Muslim gangs groom and rape tens of thousands of young English girls

"Oh, that's fine," you say. "How romantic! Let's be sure to arrest anybody who says anything 'racist' about it."

Unhygienic fast food restaurants open up in your home town, literally giving you food poisoning because of "toilet paper free" toiletry habits?

"Mmm-mmhh! Diversity tastes so good," you gush, shortly before your stomach is pumped out and you are put on life support.

The Labour Party creates shortlists of non-White candidates so that you can vote for someone who has nothing culturally or racially in common with you? 

"Great, now I can finally stop voting for my fellow racist Whites."  

Now, in a new low even for Left-wing cuckery, members of the Redditch Labour Party are literally starving themselves to raise money for mosques.

As reported by the Redditch Advertiser:

Members of the Redditch Labour Party raised hundreds for a community support fund after taking on a fasting challenge for Ramadan.

Several members accepted the challenge set by Muslim members Nayab Patel and Sid Khan to promote diversity, understanding and learn more about Ramadan.

The willing members abstained from all food and drink and smoking from 3.30am until 8.49pm on Saturday, May 9.

Social distancing rules meant that iftaar (the breaking of the fast) could not be eaten together, but a traditional meal starting with dates was delivered just before sunset.

To show support friends and family donated a total of £554 which will go towards Redditch Central Mosque’s Covid-19 community support fund.

So, what will they spend the money on? The Redditch Mosque doesn't have any well known links to terrorism like many other mosques in the UK, so that may not be an option. 

But they could spend it on deradicalising Muslim youth.

Another possibility is to teach Muslim youngsters to respect women. There are persistent rumours that Redditch has its own grooming gang, and there was a recent case in nearby Worcester where six men were arrested on suspicion of child sexual exploitation and drug trafficking:

The men, aged between 19 and 25-years-old, were arrested in the south east area of the city and remain in police custody.

Police executed warrants to raid a total of seven residential properties and three business premises.

All of the arrested men are from Worcester.

• A 19-year-old arrested on suspicion of possession of drugs with intent to supply
• A 20-year-old arrested on suspicion of rape of a female aged 16 or over and assault
• A 23-year-old arrested on suspicion of rape of a female aged 16 or over; conspiring to facilitate sexual exploitation of a child; facilitating the travel of another person with a view to sexual exploitation and causing a person to engage in sexual activity without consent
• A 24-year-old arrested on suspicion of conspiring to facilitate sexual exploitation of a child and facilitating the travel of another person with a view to sexual exploitation
• A 25-year-old arrested on suspicion of sexual assault on a female aged 13 or over; conspiring to facilitate sexual exploitation of a child and facilitating the travel of another person with a view to sexual exploitation
• A 25-year-old arrested on suspicion of conspiring to facilitate sexual exploitation of a child; facilitating the travel of another person with a view to sexual exploitation, coercive behaviour and assault

This story has gone extremely quiet -- in fact suspiciously so. Therefore it's reasonable to assume that we are dealing with a Muslim grooming gang here, otherwise the ethnicity of the accused would have been revealed by now. 

Whether or not that is the case, the £554 raised by starving leftists would be well spent on a series of lectures delivered to the area's male Muslim population on why grooming and raping young English kids might ultimately backfire. 

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