Sunday 31 May 2020


Four years too late and after dozens of U.S. cities have been set ablaze, Donald Trump has finally got round to declaring antifa a terrorist organisation. 

On Sunday 31st May, Trump tweeted "The United States of America will be designating ANTIFA as a Terrorist Organization." This comes in the wake of hundreds of incidents of violence during the recent riots instigated or carried out by antifa.

Well done, Donald, although it's a little worrying that you didn't actually say when this will happen. 

Now, hopefully, antifa scum will start being rounded up, fired, kicked off social media, and generally eradicated from public life. 

If Trump follows through with this tweet, it will have some interesting repercussions. For example, it will mean that the Nationalists attacked at Charlottesville in 2017 were actually attacked by illegal terrorists instead of "counter demonstrators," and that "climate activist" Greta Thunberg and her family are guilty of supporting terrorism, if not actually terrorists themselves. 

As is well known, the Thunberg family are big fans of people who run around attacking innocent people with bike locks or kerbstomping old men with American flags. 

Maybe if we could lock her up for this we can steal her teenage years and twenties as well as her childhood.  

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