Monday 11 May 2020


When Ahmaud Arbery, a 25-year-old African American man, went out for a jog in Brunswick, Georgia, on February 23 he could not have known that doing so would create jogging history. 

Now thanks to a couple of videos -- one showing Arbery chasing a truck followed by a loud bang and the other one showing him peacefully jogging through a building site, thousands of joggers, scared of being mugged in the park or chased by dogs, have started to jog through building sites. 

Questions now need to be answered. First, how did an unarmed black man, whose family said was only out for an afternoon jog, end up pioneering such an exciting new jogging space?

Second, what part did Travis McMichael, 34, and his father, Gregory McMichael, 64, play in creating the new jogging sport of "construction site jogging" or "con-jogging"?

Thirdly, is this sport even legal? Some have claimed that the invention of new kinds of jogging by concerned citizens is "perfectly legal," while others have pointed to the possibility that patches of wet cement may suffer, especially if the joggers in question are wearing Timberland boots. 

Like so much else in the present day the nation is split between those who want to jog freely over piles of bricks and planks and those who fear that such jogging is a slippery slope leading to race war and the return of 500 years of bondage and slavery.

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1 comment:

  1. Ahmaud. A variation on the name Muhammed. A Muslim name. Do Muslim's jog?


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