Thursday 28 May 2020


In a spate of violent arsonist looting, a number of Chinese warehouses -- euphemistically known as "strip malls" -- have been attacked in and around the city of Minneapolis in America. 

Yesterday large mobs of mainly Black citizens turned up and proceeded to take quality items stamped with the logo "Made in China." 

In fact many of them didn't even bother checking, as it is a fair assumption these days that anything on the shelves of Target or Dollar Tree is made in China anyway. 

The large Chinese warehouses are used to offload Chinese overproduction into the passive and compliant U.S. economy, undermining U.S. industry and jobs, and slowly turning America into a serf state dependent on its masters in Beijing.

The reason for this sudden outbreak of anti-Chinese feeling is unclear at the moment. Some have related it to a recent #BlackLivesMatter "kneeling incident" that went tragically wrong, in which a policeman of Chinese ancestry played a prominent though inscrutable part.

Another theory is that Black Americans are incensed by the recent decision of China’s National People’s Congress to impose an oppressive security law on the freedom-loving people of Hong Kong.

As reported by the Guardian:

On Thursday, China’s National People’s Congress voted on a decision that paves the way for sweeping anti-sedition laws to be directly enacted in Hong Kong.

The law, aimed at stamping out protests that have racked Hong Kong for the past year, would bar subversion, separatism, “acts of foreign interference” and terrorism, charges often used in mainland China to silence dissidents and other political opponents.

The legislation, which has been described as a “death knell” for Hong Kong, would also allow Beijing’s security forces to operate in the city.

Whether or not this is the reason, the main focus should be on the poor security situation in American cities.

As U.S. police seem unable to deal with the ongoing violence against Chinese warehouses, the only way to quell it is for China’s National People’s Congress to enact a new law -- an extra-territorial one -- that allows Chinese police and military forces to safeguard Chinese warehouses on U.S. soil.

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