Sunday 10 May 2020


The seven-day moving average for coronavirus cases per million (1st to 8th of May) makes interesting reading, with the UK topping the table with 6.6 Covid-19-related deaths per million people. As the UK has a population of around 65 million, that equals a daily death rate of approximately 430 a day. 

Sweden is in second place, but unlike the UK, it has not had to resort to a crushing lockdown. Its more open response to the disease -- focusing on protecting the vulnerable without shutting much of the economy -- also means that it has probably acquired much greater "herd immunity" with a higher proportion of the population now resistant to the disease. 

The US is next in the table with a very varied pattern according to individual states. Then there are a number of states like Spain and Italy. which suffered badly from it in the past but are now showing signs of improvement. 

All of the countries in the table are developed modern countries with large scale testing capability. The real question therefore is what is happening in those backward countries that don't have much ability to conduct tests? 

In Britain, meanwhile, the state-enforced worship of the country's socialized health care system continues. The concentration camps are being built now for anyone who disrespects the NHS.

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