Saturday 11 April 2020


The USA is enduring shortages of vital protective equipment in order to help out a random Middle Eastern country. The country, which was founded in 1948, is believed to be a small racial ethnostate, located somewhere between the borders of Egypt and Syria.

USA Today recently reported on the shortages in protective equipment, which are causing American health workers to fall ill and patients to die:

The government survey found the most common equipment shortages were for N95 respirator masks, surgical masks, face shields, gowns and gloves. The shortages were so severe that some hospitals were experimenting with non-medical-grade gear such as construction respirators, cloth masks and handmade gowns, the report said.

Hospitals struggled to purchase the equipment from their suppliers. One hospital supplier reported a delay of three to six months for N95 and surgical masks. Another said hospitals were competing with state and federal agencies to secure the equipment.

Demand sent prices skyrocketing. One administrator reported masks that once cost 50 cents each now exceed $6. Meanwhile, hospitals face a financial crunch without lucrative, non-emergency surgeries. 

But in an act of unprecedented generosity, the USA sent over a million much-needed masks to a random country in the Middle East, despite the fact that there are only 10,505 coronavirus cases there, as opposed to the USA's 503,177. 

A plane carrying over a million surgical masks for the IDF landed in Ben-Gurion airport Tuesday night, in an operation ran by the US Department of Defense's Delegation of Procurement.

"In the past two weeks we have purchased and flown to Israel tens of thousands of swabs, masks, protective suits for medical staff and more," said Limor Kolishevsky, head of the New York Purchasing and Logistics Division.

"A million masks, procured in China, were quickly flown to Israel with the intention that the IDF will be using them within the next few days," he said.

The New York delegation, part of the national procurement effort for medical equipment to fight the coronavirus, work with a with a wide range of international suppliers to purchase essential medical equipment for the IDF according to Kolishevsky.

Let's be honest here, "America First" is just a catchy slogan to appeal to low-IQ, racist American voters. What the Trump administration is really all about is "Random Middle Eastern Country First!" It's hard to "mask" it any longer.

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