Tuesday 21 April 2020


It seems like President Trump’s recent statement that he was banning "all" immigration into the United States, in order to help American workers get back on their feet, was nine parts rhetoric and one part substance. 

The draft for the executive order, which is expected to be announced on Wednesday (April 22nd), nevertheless includes plenty of "big, fat, beautiful loopholes." These will ensure that hordes of migrant workers will still be able to stream into the country, keeping a downward pressure on wages as the economy starts to recover from the coronavirus lockdown. 

As reported by Politico:

President Donald Trump on Tuesday unveiled his plan to temporarily block most people from receiving permanent residency visas in the United States.

But Trump's executive order, issued as a pause lasting 60 days, includes major exemptions. So-called essential workers, including health care workers, will still be able to receive green cards, as will nuclear family members, according to a person familiar with the situation. And, notably, the administration will also continue processing visas for temporary workers, the biggest source of immigration at the moment.

"Essential" workers," "health care workers," "nuclear family members," and "temporary workers" -- it should be pretty easy for corporate America to bring in as many cheap migrant workers as it needs under those four headings. 

For example: Big Tech wants to bring in some more H1B's from India. No problem, just get them to code medical software for a few days and -- bingo! -- they are now officially "health care workers." 

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