Wednesday 15 April 2020


The latest figures show a sharp uptick in deaths from coronavirus in the USA, although the trend is clearly down. 

This is being caused by a politically-motivated move by the Democrat regime in New York to boost the death toll by suddenly adding a new category to the figures -- namely people who were never tested but "might" have died from it.

As reported by the New York Post:

The Big Apple’s new death toll is 10,367. That figures combines the 6,589 victims who tested positive for the virus plus another 3,778  who were never tested, but whose death certificates list the cause of death as “COVID-19 or an equivalent,” according to city Health Department data from March 11 through April 13.

Yeh, sounds really sloppy to me. This is the statistical equivalent of moving the goalposts and then setting them on fire. 

You see a similar trend in the UK where the Left is now trying to add deaths in care homes to the total. So far only deaths from Covid-19 in hospitals have been counted.

The agenda of the Left is obvious -- to prolong the shut down as long as possible to (1) give themselves more power in the cities and regional governments that they still run, and (2) to cause general economic pain in order to make national leaders like President Trump and Prime Minister Boris Johnson as unpopular as possible.

It is now clear that the longer the shutdown continues, the less popular Trump will be. Therefore it is in the interests of the Left to play up the death toll as much as possible. 

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