Tuesday 7 April 2020


In a victory for justice, Cardinal George Pell, who was convicted in 2018 of "historical sexual abuse" charges dating back to 1996, has now been released from prison after the High Court of Australia quashed the case against him.

The case was largely driven by a media campaign, spearheaded by Australia's Culturally Marxist national broadcaster ABC, which has yet to apologise. 

As reported by The Unshackled:

Australian taxpayer dollars have been used to carry out one of the worst media witchhunts and miscarriages of justice in Australian history. Exhibit A our state broadcaster the ABC, they have had Pell in their sights for years....

Pell became the most loathed person in the nation, driven by David Marr and the hard left at the ABC. The standard of reasonable doubt has been proven to have not [been] met and numerous times it was shown to be beyond the realm of possibility.

The prosecution case tested entirely on the accuser, nothing more. There was no supporting evidence of any kind. The whole farce should never have been put to trial by Victoria Police and the Victorian Director of Public Prosecutions.

But the hard-left warriors at the ABC reveled and frothed at the mouth to go after another traditionalist and conservative...

The case against Cardinal Pell was obviously weak, driven by a tide of hyped-up media emotion, the conservative Catholic clergyman was convicted.

If you replicate the day on when the child sexual abuse is said to have happened at St Patrick’s Cathedral in Melbourne in 1996, Pell escapes the notice of other clergymen in the procession, calls down two choir boys, sexually abuses them in around six to eight minutes while fully vested and then returns in front of the cathedral to greet attendees as if nothing has happened and all of which escapes the notice of anyone. Nothing is said for decades. The defence presented a whole army of witnesses who said the crime could never have happened. The discrepancies and inconsistencies [were] astounding.

The Catholic Church undoubtedly has its problems with pedophilia and pederasty, but there are still good men in the Church who are tarred with the same brush as the guilty, and, according to the Australian High Court, Cardinal Pell was one of them. 

But what is now to be done about a state-financed broadcaster that pursues such politically motivated witch-hunts against those it would otherwise protect if they shared its poisonous Marxist principles?

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