Tuesday 4 June 2019


German police were scratching their heads after a member of Angela Merkel's CDU Party, who had spoken up for the migrant invasion in 2015, was found dead with a bullet in his head. 

As reported by the far-left BBC:

German investigators have revealed that a popular regional political leader found dead in his garden was killed by a bullet fired at close range.

They have launched a criminal inquiry into the death of Walter Lübcke, the 65-year-old head of the regional council in the city of Kassel.

Suicide has been ruled out but police say they have no motive...Police say they have no indication of a motive for the killing in the quiet village of Istha.

"We still have no clues about perpetrators and above all no motive either," said crime bureau chief Sabine Thurau. Prosecutors declined to give much more information but they did say the weapon used in the killing was a short-range firearm aimed at the victim's head.

Lübcke came to national prominence in October 2015, when he spoke out in favour of providing accommodation for the refugees then flooding into Germany because of "muh Christianity."

"Whoever does not support these values can leave this country any time, if he doesn't agree," he said at the time. "This is the freedom of every German."

Really, what a totally cunty thing to say! Which is actually a great clue for police investigating his murder. 

No, I don't mean that some angry nationalist or the father of a girl raped by migrants offed him. That was four years ago, so, although possible, it is unlikely. But a guy who could say such a cunty thing about people just expressing normal fears about a sudden, vast, and scary influx of Third Worlders into their communities, could probably say and do plenty of other cunty things. 

My guess is that this killing is much more connected to this guy's personal cunty-ness problem than to Germany's ongoing refugee problem.

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